SCAN & CONTACT tool preview at Distri Cash!

In January 2024, APIMOVE was invited to Distri Cash in La Rochelle, at their start-of-year seminar, to preview the SCAN & CONTACT tool! SCAN & CONTACT is our ready-to-use solution, equipped with technology that enables garages to send a link to their customers. The customer opens the link and takes a photo of his wheel with his smartphone. Once the photo has been sent, the mechanic has all the necessary and, above all, correct data to draw up an estimate and make an appointment with the customer without having to go anywhere. The benefits of SCAN & CONTACT:

  • A tool to simplify the purchasing process,
  • Time-saving for both professional and consumer,
  • Reliable technology,
  • Very easy to use for both professionals and consumers.

Distri Cash’s verdict: “With the SCAN & CONTACT tool, we want to support our customers in their digitalization and help them modernize their day-to-day practices. It’s a reliable, easy-to-use tool that will simplify their lives.”
Thank you to Distri Cash for this invitation!
This participation in the seminar marks the launch of the collaboration with the Rochelais wholesaler, and kicks off the roll-out of the SCAN & CONTACT solution throughout France, thanks to the group’s sales force.
We look forward to promising results!