Our partners

Our partners

Our partners are committed to high-level technological development.

INSAVALOR is a renowned technology transfer and innovation subsidiary of France’s Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA). Based on the Doua campus in Lyon, INSAVALOR conducts cutting-edge applied research. In addition, its areas of expertise include Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

At APIMOVE, we’re proud to be working closely with INSAVALOR to stimulate innovation in Computer Vision. Indeed, this collaboration relies on INSAVALOR’s expertise and research prowess. As a result, it enables us to develop advanced technologies that power our solutions, such as TYREMOTION.

By combining our knowledge of the automotive industry with INSAVALOR’s academic excellence, we create high-performance solutions. These solutions are revolutionizing the way we interact with visual data. What’s more, they improve decision-making processes and user experiences.

Bpifrance, also known as Banque Publique d’Investissement, is one of France’s leading public investment banks, playing a central role in supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth.

As a strategic partner of APIMOVE, Bpifrance provides crucial financial and operational support for our project. What’s more, this collaboration reinforces our commitment to stimulating innovation in the automotive industry. Thanks to initiatives such as TYREMOTION, we are bringing market-leading solutions to the market, radically transforming the approach to vehicle-related technologies.

The “French Tech Seed” label is a prestigious recognition awarded to innovative startups that demonstrate strong growth potential and actively contribute to the French technology ecosystem. This label is awarded by French Tech, a government initiative that promotes and supports the growth of technology startups in France.

The APIMOVE teams are proud to have been awarded the “French Tech Seed” label. This award clearly demonstrates our commitment to technological progress and our contributions to the automotive industry. It also underlines our determination to drive innovation and work closely with industry leaders.

By developing innovative solutions like TYREMOTION, we are strengthening our position in the French technological landscape.